sâmbătă, 9 mai 2009

I L Caragiale Medgidia. Romania


It is located in the northern city, has 450 pupils and 26 teachers. Students are included in 20 classes (I-VIII).

Our blog is here:


joi, 26 februarie 2009

Vogelsbergschule Schotten. Germany

Our blog is here:


The Vogelsbergschule Schotten, shortly VBS Schotten, is a Kooperative Gesamtschule. There are 33 classes and 699 students. There are also 61 teachers and 7 assistants. We have an area for educational help with a special teacher.
We have also 2 SchuB-classes that means the students work 2 days a week and three days they are in school.
Our schoolforms are the mixed ability classes (class 5 and 6), the grammar school (8 year curriculum), the secondary modern school and the Hauptschule. We have 14 classes in the grammar school, 8 classes in the secondary modern school, 5 groups in the mixed ability classes, 3 Hauptschul-classes, 2 SchuB-classes, 1 intensive class and a cooperation class. In the SchuB, intensive and cooporatin classes are students who are not easy to educate. So we combine their learning with working. We also have a lot of migrants in school because in our town there is a special institution for for young women who come from Africa and the Eastern countries.

miercuri, 25 februarie 2009

Vacietis Gaujiena Secondary School. Latvia

Our blog is here:


Vacietis Gaujiena Secondary School is located in Gaujiena, the small village in the North of Latvia.141 students learn at our school. Students are from 7 till 18 years old.

vineri, 20 februarie 2009

Ecole Saint Roch, CAMBRAI, France

Our blog is here: http://florencemargerin.blogspot.com/

" Ecole Saint Roch" is located in CAMBRAI, a town in the North of France. In our primary school, there are 270 pupils aged 2 to 11."

Scoala cu claselel I-VIII Nr 12 Buzau Romania

Our blog is here:


SCOALA CU CLASELE I-VIII, Nr. 12 is located in the city of Buzau. In our school learn 786 students. There are two level in our school: primary and secondary level. Students are 7-15 years old.